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The Alternates will be a fiction series. Currently, I am writing the first of four novels that will be produced. The story follows a brother and sister, twins. After a terrible accident they are thrust into an adventure that could very well cost them their lives. What is this adventure? TIME TRAVEL.

Without a doubt, this will be the crown jewel of any work that I do in my career.

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The calm thunder flew across the sky, the evening rain behind it. Time it seems moves slower, but at the same point faster in storms. The earth and its patrons question what is to happen next. The storm is time, and time is the storm. Thunderous, and calm the storm moves, but the one question that may escape the minds of many is simply this. Are we destined to follow the storm, or can we change its future course? Two of those minds lay in wait, as a third...draws near.


THE ALTERNATES is a series that I've been cooking up for the last two years, starting the idea in my publishing class. I've finally got all the pieces that I need for Vol. 1 and have begun writing the first chapter. I've always believed that the smallest detail can make the biggest impact. So folks when this book finally does release, you can expect to find about three pages of the book describing a cave. J.R.R Tolkien was so detailed in his writing that I can only hope to come even close to his form. I won't, but a man can dream. I won't say when the book is releasing but I can say this though. It'll be before 2024, or maybe it won't.

I've told only a few people what this story will entail and from the reaction I got, suffice to say it's gonna be something cool I guess. I was asked if I was drinking or smoking something when I came up with some stuff, I wasn' that time. Anyway, I ain't good at a lot of things kids but when it comes to making stuff up, putting it into a cohesive narrative, building wondrous worlds, and characters to fill it. Yeah, that I can do.


THE ALTERNATES: In the year 2033 overpopulation has increased tenfold, and has caused the prisons of the world to do the same. After a disastrous experiment on the moon three years ago, the world is in chaos. Needing hope, a man named Edgar Toly Comes forward with an idea to fix the world's crisis, but is he a friend, or something else. Two teenagers just living their lives in normalcy, are pulled into Edgar's plans. Pushed into new worlds they must find their way home. How? might you ask, why time travel of course. Well, something close to it.

@June 2019

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