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The mystery of life is not a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. - Frank Herbert



We enter a dark cave, and glimmers of light enter from a hole above. A fire ignites in the center of the cave, and a scraggly old man steps out of the shadows into the light of the fire.


OLD MAN, age unknown, dressed in a matted black robe with a hood, it hangs down below his knees. He carries a walking stick.


He looks directly at the camera as a grin comes across his face.

                                                              OLD MAN

      Well Hello there weary traveler, oh don't mind me looks I'm not gonna hurt ya.


He steadies himself on his walking stick.

                                                              OLD MAN

                         The name's Reggie and I'm what you may call a collector...


Reggie pulls out a torn-up leather-bound book from his dark robes.


                          ...of stories. This one, in particular, is very special to me.


The pages fly open to the center of the book. 




                                                        Shall we begin?


Reggie lets out a chuckle.

                                                                                              CUT TO BLACK:


Hello there kids, don't let Reggie fool you he's harmless. Well, there was that one incident involving a cabbage cart. Anyway, we're getting off-topic here. Hi, I'm Jameson Brown, and for all my life I've been a writer. Short stories, Novels, Scripts, it doesn't matter I'm trying to learn it all. In 2019 I finished my Film Bachelors program and in February 2020, I graduated from my Entertainment Business Masters program. I was ready to get out into the world and make my mark. That is until Covid-19 hit. Since then I've honed my writing skills, continuously learning what I can. 


Now I write whatever ideas spring to mind as screenplays, whenever I'm not working on my book series.


Evil is evil Stregabor… lesser, greater, middling. It's all the same. If I have to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all.” -                              Geralt of Rivia. 

The Witcher series, created by Andrzej Sapkowski.

Some of my favorite book and movie quotes.

"In a hole in the ground, there lived...a hobbit." -

                      Bilbo Baggins

The Hobbit, Created by J.R.R. Tolkien

"You get outta my face! or I'm gonna roundhouse your ass!" - 

                           Will Ferrell

                 Step Brothers, 2008.

@June 2019

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